About us

We work internationally

We work internationally with alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages with a special focus on brands in each category we represent.

Using latest technology and our own resources we have created the most effective distribution model in the Baltic states that allows us to reach maximum results.

Our greatest strength is experience, communication and open-mindedness with both the brand owners and our customers. Most recognizable beverage brands in the world trust us to distribute their products via our wide regional network with over 5,800 customers.

Our facts in 2023
Our start
Different brands
9.958 K
LTR sold
24 M
EUR in revenue
Product groups
Why choose our team?
We put our time and effort into the relationship and brand building because we know that success in the market is based on relationship and trust.
Since inception, we have worked to add value to our partners. We proudly represent brand owners via brand building, market analysis and effective supply chain.
We love our job
We are proud of our highly motivated team of real distribution professionals. They put great effort in building sales, navigating logistics and growing market share.
It takes knowledge to navigate alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages distribution. We are happy to share it with our partners and deliver exclusive products quickly and hassle-free.
Transport chain
Close r elationships with logistics p a r t n er via 3L Small s h ops L T Ho r eca EE Horeca Major s h ops VILNIUS Central Warehouse F ull tru c k ? OK 10 b ox e s ? OK Door t o door in 3 d a y s 2 x per w eek RIGA C ash & C a r r y L V Ho r eca Small s h ops Small s h ops Major s h ops TALLIN Major s h ops
More about us
What is the story of 3B Solutions?
While some saw only threats during global economic crisis in 2009, we saw opportunities. The market was dominated by local brands and the imports were tiny. 3BS opened the door for distribution of best beer brands. We saw an opportunity in improving existing distribution standards.

Two entrepreneurs put together a professional and effective team with international experience.

The company was established in 2009 with a specific focus on beer and soft drinks. In 2019, after a successful start in beer, cider and non-alcoholic segments, we added wine and spirits and continue to further develop the 3BS portfolio.

What are the key facts for brand owners to know about 3B Solutions?
Our area of business: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia.

Our main activities: distribution and brand development for premium imported & international brands.

Company’s values: professional outlook, entrepreneurship, trust & openness.

Our strengths:
- Everyone in management has international FMCG business background;
- Exceptional RTM strategy;
- Low costs but super-efficient structure;
- Local profit sharing with brand owners as we work with clear margins and transparent agreements.

I need a distributor for my beverage brand. How can we work together?
Do you need a distributor who is passionate in what they do and do it extremely well? That’s great, let’s talk! We are constantly looking for new additions to our brand portfolio.

If you are a beer brand owner or manage any other alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages brand, please give us a call or write a quick e-mail:
Phone: +370 5 2031355
E-mail: [email protected]

Our cooperation/brand development includes:
- Negotiations;
- Sales campaigns;
- Logistics management;
- Marketing activities;
- Regular sales management;
- Merchandising management;
- Order management;
- Stocks management/forecasting.

We are real experts in beer and other beverages market in the Baltic states. Let’s talk and welcome you to a good company.
